LAMAX C11 GPS 4K CPL filtr

The CPL filter is an excellent addition to the car camera, because it reduces the effect of sunlight and glare, which could otherwise reduce the quality of the recording, and at the same time reduces the over-illumination of the sky. But above all, it significantly prevents the reflection of the interior of the car on the windshield Compatibility: LAMAX C11 GPS 4K

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LAMAX C11 GPS 4K CPL filter

LAMAX C11 GPS 4K CPL filter

LAMAX C11 GPS 4K CPL filter

CPL filter je vynikajúcim doplnkom k autokamere, pretože znižuje efekt slnečného žiarenia a odleskov, ktoré by inak mohli znížiť kvalitu záznamu, a zároveň znižuje preexponovanie oblohy. Predovšetkým však výrazne zabraňuje odrazu interiéru auta na prednom skle.